Waste roll bags 70X90 3rd

waste roll bags in 70×90 3rd 3-strong> dragon clean . provide extra durability and durability , is in black color and do not have a lanyard .

age to be used in all business and household buckets . they still withstand the difficult conditions of a professional cuisine. the roll contains 10 pieces.

you will find it in the following dimensions: 52×75


waste roll bags 70×90 3rd glumatics



the garbage bags is an integral part of the everyday life of a business and a household. many times quality and yields do not respond really to needs!

meet the garbage bags now on dragon clean that will cover needs and most demanding. the garbage roll bags 70×90 3rd have large durability and durability in all areas of the business.

are not torn, not affected by heat, do not puncture, are 3rd collar.

are made of nylon . is in black , and their width extends to 70 cm and at 90 cm height . high processing and construction specifications to:

  • meet the needs and requirements of the professional
  • resist the requirements of a professional kitchen
  • not wear out
  • to be economical < /strong>
  • made of high quality materials

bsp; n technical characteristics and instructions for use

< td width = "284"> role size

bad to ltr
35 l-44l 52×75
45 l-68l

< em> 70x 90
70l-80l < /em>

80l-100 + l 90×120

t above match is approximate.

an you want to find them in other dimensions, here for 52×75 , 80×110 ,

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